Hello, i am so glad you have come across my space on the internet!

I'm Danielle,

Wife and mother of 4. I hold a degree in health science education, and ive gone on to continue my education as a doula and womens health specialist. My own experiences throught motherhood have molded my passion in helping other women to experience undisturbed physiological birth and all of the innate functional wisdom that comes with the journey of pregnancy.

I specialize in postpartum nutrition, gut health and healing, and mineral restoration.

In any spare moment I have, you will find me throwing together new recipes, teaching prenatal/postpartum/birth classes and coaching other women on their way to a healthier life style! I'm also "mama" to four beautiful little babes, who inspire and empower me to be my best self every single day. Most days you can find us homeschooling while spending time in nature.

My hope is to encourage you…

When you begin to walk outside of the norm, you must look at all aspects of your life. Nourish the body you were given, and be kind to yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually. In my space you will find a blend of holistic tips and tools to empower the most intimate times in your life.


I take it upon myself to connect with my clients on a deeper level. This work stems far beyond finances, its a sisterhood. Getting to know YOU, your family, your plans, and your individualized lifestyle is of the utmost importance to me. I am so looking forward to connecting with you!

Connect with me on Instagram!