3 actionable steps towards balanced hormones…


Morning sun and fresh air.

Do not underestimate this needed wellness hack.

I know its not easy to get up and go outside. You’re barely awake, you’re thinking about coffee, you have no desire to go out if its cold. I wholeheartedly love laying in bed, getting up late, and not emerging from my home until i have to. However, i can honestly say that morning light on the eyes and fresh air were undoubtedly the kick start to healing my hormone issues and it can be yours too!

Why is this so important you might ask?

Well, for quite a few reasons…

Our hormone levels fluctuate based on light-dark cycles and in turn affect metabolism, immunity, activity, rest, mood, focus, fertility and reproduction.

Americans spend 90% of their lives indoors, drastically limiting their exposure to natural light during the day and substantially increasing their exposure to artificial light at night.

Our relationship with light has been flipped on its head, and consequently, so has our health, happiness and vitality.

Simply put, we need to return to a life that’s light when it's light out and dark when it's dark out.

To help regulate your body’s sleep-wake cycle, consider incorporating the following into your daily routine:

Upon waking, go on a walk or simply sit outside and expose yourself to the morning light. Even a short few minutes is so very helpful.

Around noon, take another walk and allow your body to register the midday light.

Stop wearing sunglasses and let your eyes receive all the natural light possible.
These small breaks of light exposure will provide a timestamp for the light receptors in your brain and help establish chronological sequencing markers that orchestrate the physiological rhythms of your body, and in turn, hormonal balance.


Daily Movement

Yes this means exercise, but wait! It doesnt have to be the kind of cardio you dread at a gym you dont want to drive to with a membership you dont want to pay for. Daily movement can be as simple as stretching and walking —lets just make it consistent.

As your hormones fluctuate, so can your energy and mood, which affects how your body may approach fitness.

That’s why, according to the cycle syncing method, it may be beneficial to switch up your workouts based on your menstrual cycle and not focus on “pushing it” every step of the way.

Here’s a very general guideline of possible exercise intensities that may be beneficial during the hormone fluctuations around your cycle.

Menstrual Phase: light movement such as gentle stretching or walking

Follicular Phase: light cardio like fast paced walking, dancing, or strength training. Your hormones are still low, especially testosterone which can cause low stamina (see its not your fault, sometimes its normal)

Ovulation: Kicking it up a knotch with higher intensity exercises of choice. In this phase your energy may be higher. If you are in a place of exhaustion continue with low frequency stretching and walking.

Luteal: The body prepares for another period cycle. Energy may be lower. Doing light to moderate exercise dependant on how your body feels is key in this stage.

Some of the hormones that are influenced by exercise include insulin, cortisol, estrogen, testosterone, human growth hormones and progesterone. Movement has such a powerful impact on hormones.

*remember to be conscious of what your body is ready to handle, pushing too hard will create stress leading in the opposite direction of well being.



Nourishment is the most common struggle amongst women who have a hormonal imbalance. Even those who reported to be “eating healthy” then came back to say that after working with an experienced hormone specialist they came to realize that they were not supplying the body with what i needed to experience optimal hormonal health.

Most women are lacking protein, either by choice or by lack of nutritional understanding.

While i am not one to count, striving for 20g of protein per meal is a good goal, especially for postpartum and breastfeeding mothers. If you are reading this discounting yourself from the “postpartum” label, please remember that postpartum lasts for 7 years after baby, and nutritional imbalances can stem long after that time if not addressed, leading to unchecked mineral deficiencies and hormone imbalances.

Include foods with essential vitamins and minerals, like omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D and antioxidants along with protein being the star of each meal to support stable blood sugar levels.

An important tip to remember: we hear so much about organic meats, produce, and dairy. Often times women will tell me that they avoided purchasing a certain food item because they could not find an organic source or because they could not afford the organic option. While i always encourage you to eat fresh organic foods when possible, its crucial to understand that a well rounded meal consisting of protein, carb and healthy fats is far more beneficial to your hormone health than an incomplete organic plate.


Your overwhelmed and im here for you!

I understand what i feels like to struggle for what feels like years to no avail. You are tired of being tired, confused about your bodys responses, unsure of what foods are best for your body, inundated with the amount of information online claiming to “heal your hormones”, and FED UP with the mainstream doctors who havent been able to figure you out but handed you a script.

I see you, and i feel you because ive been you.

I created the Hormone Health Lifestyle Bundle because when i brought myself out of the stupor of anxiety, fertility struggles, PCOS, Estrogen Dominance, and brain fog caused by burnout + severe mineral deficiency i vowed to continue using my platforms to help other women who were struggling through these mystifying symptoms.

You see, hormone health isnt a one size fits all and there is no ONE THING thats going to fix you overnight. Hormone Health requires whole body healing. You must begin to see your body for what it is, a whole temple, not compartments of symptoms.

Eating well, lowering your stress, finding quality sleep, understanding your feminine cycle, and eliminating toxic products from your self care routine and household are ALL necessary parts of healing. There is no way around it. I promise you ive tried the short cuts. No one supplement or trending diet is going to magically make it better. You must commit to whole body wellness. It doesnt have to cost you an arm and a leg. Health can be achieved through effort and the basics around us!

Now that you are nodding in agreement, id love for you to check out the Lifestsyle Bundle for yourself. Peek at the details and decide if a guided plan is right for you!

wishing you much health and happiness

-Danielle Billotti @modern.day_matriarch