The Four Pillars of Wellness
Wellness. What does that word mean to you? Really think about that for a second, don’t just read it. What is your personal definition of “wellness” as it pertains to you, in YOUR life. Take a deep breath, clear your mind. Envision your idea of wellness....are you living it?
Today we are going to talk about the 4 pillars of health and wellness. Before we get started I'd like you to think about what those 4 pillars are. What are the bold titles that stand out in your head that make someone healthy? A person who ________ is healthy. Someone who has _____ is healthy. Fill in these blanks, what comes to your mind?
I will tell you what these 4 pillars are; They are obvious, so don’t think to deeply into this. It's not a test. I’m simply encouraging free thought here. I’m curious to know what you think of when you hear the word ‘health’ because it seems that so many people are confused about what it truly means, and more importantly what it truly FEELS like to be well, both mentally and physically.
To understand WHY the 4 pillars of health and wellness are so important we must first look at some of the facts...
The leading cause of death today is ....Heart Disease. The second leading cause of death is Cancer. Largely in part, 70% or more of people diagnosed with heart disease or cancer could have changed this unfortunate health outcome simply by changing their LIFESTYLE. What this means is the gross majority of people who pass away from heart disease and cancer have died of a lifestyle disease, one that they could have avoided had they been given the tools, the right information, the motivation to CARE, to respect and to understand their body. Some people become offended by these facts, they will argue that they are not true and that many diseases are genetic. Some diseases are in fact genetic but the great majority, especially these two leading causes of death are attributed to the lifestyle we choose. Sadly, many people are confused. There are so many new fad diets, health programs, and endless promises of some new miracle cure, not to mention the world of ‘Big Pharma’, its no wonder that people dont know where to turn. People are living a lifestyle that seems ‘normal’. What we see on TV, what we hear on the radio, the things and the people we come into contact with in everyday life...its what we become. Fast food restaurants on every block, convenience on every corner, still seated people hunched over at their cell phones and laptops all day, everyday. The commercials on television are laden with pharmaceutical advertisements, junk food marketed directly to our children, and negative news on the hour every hour. We all binge out on the newest Netflix series, but yet we skip right past the documentaries and very few of us can say that we have held a real hard covered book recently. You must decide to tightly grasp onto a greater desire to learn, a higher consciousness, and a passionate motivation to seek true health because unfortunately it does not come easily now days.
So, you want to know, we all want to know...what is the secret to true HEALTH? How do I escape cancer, heart disease, diabetes, anxiety, high blood pressure....all of the well known normal chronic illnesses of today’s society. Well, it may sound too simple but the answer lies right here within the 4 pillars of health and wellness...
While we may not ever be able to protect ourselves 100%, we can offer ourselves and our families a SIGNIFICANT decrease in the risk of getting these diseases. These 4 topics are heavy. Each deserves their very own post, as they are wide topics that touch many aspects of our lives. For now, lets touch briefly on each...
I am a holistic nutritionist. Every single day I am asked what is the ‘right’ diet to be on. There are many factors to consider when creating a well rounded nutritional plan for yourself. Many of you know that I choose to live a plant based lifestyle. Some of you are on board with that and some of you are not. Then, there are a bunch of you who are just plain confused. There are SO many fad diets, it IS very confusing. As a whole the food industry has done and continues to do a great disservice to society. One day its the Atkins diet, and the paleo diet, then there are miracle cleanses, veganism and fully raw vegans. "Do this workout program and consume only this many carbs, never eat sugar, all fat is bad, etc etc." Who do you trust? Which is best for you? So instead of looking at all of the confusion I'd encourage you to look at what we have NEVER been confused about. Do you know what I'm going to say?
VEGETABLES and FRUITS. Yes, its that simple. How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you consume per day? Could you eat MORE? We all know that vegetables and fruits are healthy. Dark leafy greens, strawberries, blueberries and a whole host of other plant foods are proven to fight against cancer! Can you decide to make the larger portion of your plate vegetables and fruits and the side portion the meat and grains? I didn't ask you to give up your other food choices, I simply said to eat MORE vegetables and fruits. That alone will significantly decrease your chances of getting a lifestyle disease. Taking it to the next level, perhaps going plant based, that is your choice. I'll be here to help when you are ready.
This one is simple. Exercise. My body needs it, your body needs it. We must stay active to be well. Whatever type of exercise you choose is your choice. Don’t run if you hate running. Swim, Walk, Jog, Bike, go Hiking, do Yoga. Whatever your choice is, what matters is that you are keeping the body moving. The issue we always hear here is “I don't have time to exercise”. Did you have time to stop at Starbucks for coffee? Did you have time to watch an hour television program? Did you have time to scroll facebook? Did you have time to chat on the phone or meet a friend for drinks? Are you taking the time to read this post? Then guess what, you have time to exercise. We must MAKE the time for health. Even just 10 short minutes a day makes a world of difference.
Stress. Just the word is stressful right? Breathe. Right now, Breathe. Breathe into your nose so deeply that your abdomen protrudes and then sigh it out your mouth. Do it again, deeply into the nose and then this time slowly back out of the nose. Repeat this two more times. Don’t just read this, stop here, really do it. If your taking the time to read this post you mine as well give it a try. BREATHE. The power of breath is our greatest tool against stress. You see, I know that many of us are stressed. Society today runs on stress and busy work. I’m not so naive that I think you're going to quit your stressful job immediately and book yourself on a Yoga retreat (although, I wish you would, I wish I would, it would be life changing). I understand that the feeling of stress and anxiety isn’t easy on us and its not as simple as saying “just turn it off”. You see, I too suffered from anxiety for a long time and I work hard every single day to keep anxiety from creeping back into my life. But when it does, I utilize the tools I have to release that stress, to push that negative energy out and away from my being. It is a practice, and its one you should take seriously. Stress is at the root of all disease. So, I encourage you to take up Yoga, get yourself some Essential Oils, Stretch and BREATHE DEEPLY, every. single. day. Set aside a time each day, even just a few short minutes, maybe before or after you exercise, to breathe. Clear the mind in silence. Practice gratitude. I promise you, these tools will change your life.
Toxins. We hear that word a lot now don’t we? Do you pay attention to it or just brush it off? Are you person A or person B?
Person A “Everything causes cancer, I cant spend my time worrying about it.”
Person B “Many things attribute to cancerous disease, while I cannot control the universe I choose to educate myself about the choices that I DO have control over so I can do my best to avoid those things.”
Toxins are in everything it seems. Toxins are in our food supply, and in our water. There are 83,0000+ chemicals in our daily use products, most of which are unregulated by the FDA. That means there are harmful toxins in our cosmetic products, our baby products, our cleaning products, even in our clothes and household furniture. This can be easily overwhelming. Resist the urge to feel overwhelmed and frustrated. Instead realize that you are an empowered individual with choices. YOU choose what you eat. YOU chose what products come into your home and onto your body. YOU chose what you feed your children and what products you give them and use on them. You do not need to change your entire life over night. For most people this takes time. Educate yourself. Read Labels. There are many resources and people who would be willing to help you ‘green’ up your life. I am one of those people, don’t be resistant to help. Do a few things a week, a month, whatever your pace may be, any step in a healthier direction matters!
And that was our Wellness Wednesday, I hope beginning to look at this information was helpful to you. We have only touched the tip of the iceberg on these topics. The world of Wellness is vast and rewarding. If you would like help along your journey, reach out to me! I wish you all much wellness, purpose, and abundance.