A gentle Detox for KIDS

Dairy, gluten, soy, nuts…..what is causing skin sensitivities in my toddler and how can i fix it?!


Today i am only going to touch on dairy sensitivity but know that these same concepts can be applied to any of the most common triggers mentioned above.

every person is affected differently, some have serious allergies, while others show minor adverse effects.

Today i am sharing what a dairy sensitivity CAN look like, as it presented itself on our daughter and HOW we detoxed the dairy from her little system….


---> it should first be noted that we do not normally consume dairy products, however i am not super strict with our two youngest. Sofia, our oldest daughter has immediate negative responses to dairy, an outward presentation of hives, itching, and congestion which leads to asthma. We stopped consuming dairy 7 years ago. Most people think of dairy avoidance as no cows milk, no cheese, no yogurt, no ice cream...all the common ones. But for Sofia we began avoid sneaky dairy as well because even trace amounts caused a reaction. Sneaky dairy can be found in granola bars, cereal, baked goods, crackers, desserts, and many other processed foods. It goes by many names, a quick google search will show you what you havent been noticing.

---> so for our littler ones we dont normally consume the big offenders listed above, not because they are allergic, just because we choose to avoid it for health reasons. But when we are out to dinner, or at a family members home, i dont necessarily avoid it or get super strict with them as i am with Sofia. 

As you can see there are little spots or baby acne on Siennas cheeks that arose just a day after consuming cheese. Her cheeks were a bit itchy as well. I knew immediately what it was from as i have become very familiar with dairy sensitivities over the years. 

I show you this because most parents are familiar with symptoms of hives + digestive distress but dont realize that skin rashes, redness, bumps, eczema, and psoriasis can also be directly related to dairy sensitivity.

If you suspect a sensitivity to dairy and would like to see how your child does by eliminating dairy from the diet, realize that it can take 10 days to 3 weeks to eliminate cow's milk protein from the body.

We cleared up Siennas skin in just 3 days by using gentle methods to aid the body in its detoxification process.

CAN YOU DETOX a child?

YES. yes you absolutely can.

I would encourage you to work with a health care professional if you or your child are struggling with a more serious case. There is a difference between aiding the natural detox process and undergoing deep cleansing.

Today ill share some gentle, yet effective, completely safe detox tips for our littlest ones for those of you who are struggling with something mild…

  1. Decide what you will be removing from the diet.

    As a plant based certified family wellness coach i suggest only removing ONE food from the diet at a time. Removing more than one can cause confusion as to which item is the offender and children dont take kindly to radical changes so one at a time is what works best! Its also very helpful to keep a Food Journal and jot down what your child is eating and how they react both physically and emotionally.

  2. Next choose for how long.

    3 weeks is an ideal time frame because it can take that long to completely eliminate certain food proteins from the body.

  3. Help your child through this

    Even if your child is very young, talk to them about why you have chosen to stop a certain food and do your best to give a new food in return. Be sure to encourage positive feels and confidence in your decision towards healing.

  4. Bring the foods back in…IF you dont see a clear result.

    Sometimes we may know immediately if a food should never be brought back into the diet or should be avoided until an older age. Other times we may not be sure if we notice a difference or not. Bringing a food back in, slowly, while paying close attention to the immediate reactions following can help you to confirm a food sensitivity.

Other things we do to aid in detoxification….

  1. PLENTY of water.

    Sometimes this may seem like yet another job, but many of our children are chronically dehydrated. Drinking plenty of water is a crucial part of daily detoxification.

  2. Getting lots of GREEN foods into their diet.

    I know this is daunting for many parents. Kids can be picky eaters. I feel you. But you CAN do this! Greens are particularly important for aiding in detoxification. The fun part is that kids can get their greens in so many ways! Smoothies, juices, raw with hummus or dips, cooked or baked into healthy desserts…endless options! Get creative and let them help!!

  3. Essential oils that aid in detoxification.

    Whenever using essential oils with children, I ALWAYS recommend either diffusing them or diluting them with a carrier oil (such as fractionated coconut oil or sweet almond oil) for topical application. Applying them topically to the abdomen and/or the feet is a great way to support their bodies. Some oils that help support detoxification are Rosemary, Juniper, Geranium, Thieves, Clove, Release, Thyme and Lemongrass essential oils. Other great choices are the citrus oils like Lemon, Grapefruit, Orange or Tangerine.

    Always speak with a health care professional or someone who has experience in using essential oils on young children before beginning to use them so that you feel confident in your wellness routine.

On instagram @deetox.your.life ive shared this green #smoothie and how we used it as a part of our gentle detox for our youngest who has shown sensitivity to dairy. Id love to share it with you today too! Its the most beautiful green color and packs a punch of nutrition without letting on that there are some super foods inside! ((If you are in the beginning of your healthy foods journey and your kids are especially picky or having a hard time adjusting to dietary changes….go heavy on the MANGO! It will sweeten it right up!)))

#kidfriendly Deetox Smoothie!RECIPE:1/2 cup frozen mango chunks1 granny smith apple2 stalks of celery1 heaping handful of spinachA bit of cilantro (optional -very good for enhanced detoxification)Juice of 1 lemonWater or Coconut Water (fill to your …

#kidfriendly Deetox Smoothie!


1/2 cup frozen mango chunks

1 granny smith apple

2 stalks of celery

1 heaping handful of spinach

A bit of cilantro (optional -very good for enhanced detoxification)

Juice of 1 lemon

Water or Coconut Water (fill to your desired consistency)


Be sure to TAG us on the gram when you make this! We cant wait to see how your little ones are doing!

Wishing you all much health + happiness <3