Curried Sweet Potato Boats

Screenshot_2020-10-08 Health Coach Danielle ( deetox your life) • Instagram photos and videos.png

Easy Peasey Recipe:


Bake 4 sweet potatoes in the oven at 420 degrees for 45mins.

🥑Begin by sauteeing a generous amount of garlic + onions (I used 4 cloves, 1/2 of a red onion) and 1/2 of a red bell pepper. All chopped well.
Simmer on LOW until golden brown and smelling luscious. (About 7minutes)

🥑Next add a well rinsed can of chick peas + your curry sauce of choice. (You could totally be a rockstar and soak your chick peas over night and make your own curry sauce but we're talkin #momlife here so just get with it😅)

How much curry sauce? That's up to you. I added it until my chickpea mixture was just peaking out of the sauce. You can always add more over the potato once you assemble the boats. Let everything melt in its delicious self for 5mins on LOW heat.

🥑Slice your cooled sweet potatoes down the center. Add about 2tbls of the chickpea mixture to each potato.

🥑Garnish with generous amounts of cubed avocado (If your curry is spicy the avocado offers a beautiful cool balance) and FRESH cilantro!

🥑Sprinkle with nutritional yeast or hemp seed hearts (an optional boost of nutrients)

Serve with salad, qunioa or whatever else is for dinner! This is pretty filling and 2 boats per person could easily serve as a whole meal!! .
This recipe was also loved by my littles and is a powerhouse of #plantbased superfood! TAG a mama who needs this inspo today!

Screenshot_2020-10-08 Health Coach Danielle ( deetox your life) • Instagram photos and videos(1).png

I may be biased because I have a serious curry obsession right now but this recipe you guys, it's is theee bomb dot com, and its Autumn! So of course im going to be sharing soul soothing recipes with yall AND it wouldnt be standard of me if i didnt give you a lesson on why its wise to “eat in season foods” so lets get on with it…

For starters, its better for you! Anytime you can eat a fresh food that is in season you should!

When foods are grown out of season, they aren't able to follow their natural growing and ripening rhythms. In order for certain fruits and vegetables to be available year-round, post harvest treatments known as ripening agents. These include chemicals, gases, and heat processes. Some produce is also coated with an edible film to protect it. 

These processes allow foods to be produced in mass quantities by slowing the maturation and ripening process. They also help to protect the produce from bacteria and other pathogens on their long journey from the fields to your local grocery store. 

While this process ensures that farmers can meet consumer demand year-round, researchers have found that artificially ripened produce is often not as nutritious as naturally ripened fruits and veggies!

Kinda sounds gross right? ehhh. i know. sorry to be the party pooper. Now dont go freaking out on me, i too eat foods that are out of season at times but its a good practice to familiarize yourself with the foods you choose to consume, where they come from, and what they offer to your body.
The great news is, SWEET POTATOES are in season, and in season food TASTES BETTER!! So heres to all the warm cozy gratification you crave in a plantbased meal🙌