3 Tips to Balancing your Cycle Naturally
1. Consistent Quality Sleep
Sleep is important for hormones, yes of course! Your body does a lot at night that you arent aware of and its important to give it the time to do that work. Hormones rise and fall with a circadian rythm and if we want to be balanced we need to honor that rythm. Turn off screens (including your cell phone) need to be turned off 1 hour before bedtime to allow the mind to calm down. Getting 8 hours of restful sleep per night is needed. Ideally its good to go to bed at 9pm, if thats a bit early for you thats ok but dont skimp on sleep time. So if you choose to go to bed at 10:30pm, plan to sleep until 6:30am for your 8 hours and keep those times consistent.
2. Diet
We know that diet plays a huge role in hormone health.
What we eat affects the products of hormones and their signaling pathways. Our hormones like healthy fats, like grass fed butter, coconut oil, olive oil, fish and eggs. Revitalizing vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables and high quality protein from animal based sources. Womens bodies are very sensitive to lows -- if your body doesnt feel like its getting enough it downregulates production of sex hormones. Eat smart for your hormones -- kale chips and granola bars arent gonna cut it, your sex hormones want full spectrum foods.
3. Movement
Exercise has a direct impact on our hormone health. The intensity, duration and type of exercise alters physiology in different ways. While a regular exercise routine is supportive for hormone health, overdoing it can become problematic as too much exercise interrupts the processes of hormone development in the body. If you are just getting back into a healthy exercise routine to balance hormones, I'd suggest starting with simple and consistent daily movement such as walking, or yoga.
BONUS Tip #4
Eliminate all endocrine disruptive cosmetic products from your home. Your makeup, hair products, and body products like deodorant, lotions, and perfumes play a HUGE role in hormone health. Dont fall for the "its just a little bit" routine. A little bit adds up. Most products on store shelves today are NOT created with your health in mind. Read labels and keep it healthy!
A "regular" cycle is 28-35 days long with a 4-5 day menstrual bleed. Ovulation between days 12-16.
Extreme fatigue, menstrual cramping, migraines, heavy bleeding and/or spotting are not normal.
Balancing your hormones requires multifaceted lifestyle adjustments -- if you are feeling overwhelmed -- i can help! Grab a Well Womans consult with me here : https://www.deetoxyourlife.com/
@the.modern_matriarch @deetox.your.life