healthy living motherhood — Modern Day Matriarch

3 Tips to Balancing your Cycle Naturally

1. Consistent Quality Sleep

Sleep is important for hormones, yes of course! Your body does a lot at night that you arent aware of and its important to give it the time to do that work. Hormones rise and fall with a circadian rythm and if we want to be balanced we need to honor that rythm. Turn off screens (including your cell phone) need to be turned off 1 hour before bedtime to allow the mind to calm down. Getting 8 hours of restful sleep per night is needed. Ideally its good to go to bed at 9pm, if thats a bit early for you thats ok but dont skimp on sleep time. So if you choose to go to bed at 10:30pm, plan to sleep until 6:30am for your 8 hours and keep those times consistent. 

2. Diet

We know that diet plays a huge role in hormone health.

What we eat affects the products of hormones and their signaling pathways. Our hormones like healthy fats, like grass fed butter, coconut oil, olive oil, fish and eggs. Revitalizing vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables and high quality protein from animal based sources. Womens bodies are very sensitive to lows -- if your body doesnt feel like its getting enough it downregulates production of sex hormones. Eat smart for your hormones -- kale chips and granola bars arent gonna cut it, your sex hormones want full spectrum foods.

3. Movement

Exercise has a direct impact on our hormone health. The intensity, duration and type of exercise alters physiology in different ways. While a regular exercise routine is supportive for hormone health, overdoing it can become problematic as too much exercise interrupts the processes of hormone development in the body. If you are just getting back into a healthy exercise routine to balance hormones, I'd suggest starting with simple and consistent daily movement such as walking, or yoga.

BONUS Tip #4

Eliminate all endocrine disruptive cosmetic products from your home. Your makeup, hair products, and body products like deodorant, lotions, and perfumes play a HUGE role in hormone health. Dont fall for the "its just a little bit" routine. A little bit adds up. Most products on store shelves today are NOT created with your health in mind. Read labels and keep it healthy!

A "regular" cycle is 28-35 days long with a 4-5 day menstrual bleed. Ovulation between days 12-16.

Extreme fatigue, menstrual cramping, migraines, heavy bleeding and/or spotting are not normal.

Balancing your hormones requires multifaceted lifestyle adjustments -- if you are feeling overwhelmed -- i can help! Grab a Well Womans consult with me here :




Pregnancy - Should I have a membrane sweep?


Personal Experience:
I was pushed into a sweep with my first baby. It was completely unnecessary at 38 weeks.

It did result in labor but not until after 4 long days of cramping and then 48+ hours of labor. (That is to say, my body was not ready, it was simply irritated)

Cervical checks also created many problems for my body. Leading to preterm labor at 30weeks + bed rest.

The hospital system did not see ME and they certainly did not hear me. They saw a first time pregnant mother and much advantage was taken over me.

This is not everyone's story, it's MY story.

Ultimately it led me to homebirth, for which I am forever grateful.
If you had a sweep or induction procedure that resulted in a positive experience please do share! #safespaceforallwomen



5 TIPS to getting your kids excited about healthy foods!


1. Lead by example - I always say this and if you've followed me for a while you're likely eye rolling going "ya ya I know this" but seriously mamas, eat ya Oreos in the closet after bedtime and eat your broccoli happily at the dinner table✌️ - kidding but not kidding, you get it, YOU are their greatest influence!

2. Let them CHOOSE - ok so within limits, let them make their own choices. Give them 5 healthy options and let them make their choice. This offers a sense of responsibility and empowerment✨

3. Give the #funfacts - while saying "carrots are healthy" is the truth, it's not FUN for kids. Instead tell them a fun food fact about the veggie they are being offered!

4. Give them Praise - kids need love and nothing speaks love better than telling your child you are proud of them. Maybe they didn't eat all of the veggies on their plate, heck maybe all they did was lick one but STILL give words of encouragement for even the smallest steps! "I'm really proud you learned about this new food and gave it a try" ♥️

5. The World/Food Connection - getting kids out into nature and explaining how their food choices affect the world around them makes an impact, even with small children we can begin to explain this in basic ways. Gardening for our littlest ones, or a lesson on water savings when choosing plant based foods for our school aged kids! They love to learn, keep it fun!
We're these tips helpful?
Which tip might you use this evening?
SAVE+SHARE+TAG a friend for more #healthyeating KID FRIENDLY tips 🙌

Postpartum Healing Soup

Carrots are another food that is considered beneficial for breastfeeding moms. This crock pot soup is simple and nourishing. It contains coconut milk, curry powder, garlic and ginger, all of which encourage milk production!

Screenshot_2021-02-21 Health Coach Danielle ( deetox your life) • Instagram photos and videos.png

Lets make it!

* 3 – 4 lb butternut squash

  • 2 large carrots or 12 baby carrots

  • 2-4 fresh garlic gloves

  • 1 inch piece of fresh ginger

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • 1 tbsp of Curry Powder

  • 2 cups bone broth

  • 1/2 cup Full Fat Canned Coconut Milk


  1. Chop all the vegetables.

  2. Combine all the ingredients except coconut milk in the slow cooker.

  3. Cook on LOW for 6-8hr or high for 4hrs.

  4. When finished add coconut milk and mix to combine.

  5. Puree the soup using an a blender, masher, or food processor.

  6. Pour + Enjoy!

Add additional toppings if you have them on hand:



Pumpkin Seeds

Dried Cranberries

and of course Sprouted Bread for Dipping!

Soups reignite the digestive fire, making them an excellent option for moms who are newly postpartum! The digestive system requires tender care for restoration and healing during this intimate time. Having a list of simple soup recipes on hand can make a world of difference for a new mother and the whole family!

Find more of our recipes, prenatal+postpartum education and motherhood lifestyle over on our Instagram page

Soup for the Soul

Not your grandmas lentil soup…

This savory soup will have you questioning why you ever had anything against lentils.

It gets its Earthy-ness from the lentils and herbs, and its Fresh pop from a splash of lemon. A perfect combo that will have everyone in the family coming back for more!

You’re still not so sure about lentils are you…..scroll on….


Now that you know theres bread for dipping and this photos got you drooling….are you ready to try your hand at Lentil Soup?!


  • In a medium sized stock pot, sauté 6 cloves of diced garlic & 1/2 of a roughly chopped onion over low heat

    • Add just a bit of oil

    • Sauté until the onions are translucent and the garlic is a bit browned

  • Add in 1 cup lentils and let them toast for about 2 minutes, while stirring (this step is important it adds a flavor factor that you wont taste from a mushy canned lentil soup)

  • Add one cup of water

  • Add 1 tsp of  Paprika

  • Add 1sp of Turmeric

  • Add 1tsp of dried parsley (oregano or basil will also do just fine)

    • Stir for 1 minute

  • Add 5 more cups of vegetable broth (more if needed to completely submerge the contents)

  • Simmer for 35 minutes on medium heat

    • Test the lentils while they are cooking. We want that "al dente" bite, not mush.

    • Once they are done to your liking, turn off the heat

  • Add 1/4 cup of lemon juice + 1/4 cup of flax milk, oat milk, or rice milk

    (it is IMPORTANT to add these 2 items once you have turned off the heat. The lemon will bring out all of the flavor we want from this soup only if it is added once the heat is off. We want the milk to blend in, giving our broth a smooth creamy finish. If you add the milk while the heat is still a blazin it will separate from the broth.)

Add the soup to a bowl, garnish with arugula or fresh dill and drizzle with unrefined olive oil, dont forget a dash of salt n peppa!


Serve with bread, dipping soup is always more fun.

Husbands need hearty meals, i always roast some potatoes+carrots in the oven while this soup is cooking and add them atop of my husbands dish, he seems to be filled and pleased with this option ;)

And because you’ve made enough to have left overs….OR you have little ones who prefer different styles…some other ways to jazz up this simple soup…

  • add red sauce + diced tomatoes, reheat and you’ve got chili!

  • drain the broth, add cayanne pepper, and now its made for the hot n spicy, keep the bread on hand + make it a sloppy joe, #healthystyle.

What kind of Lentil lover are you?! We would love to see your creation!

Be sure to TAG us on Instagram! Find us here